by on July 16, 2024
Initial Consultation: The process begins with an initial consultation between the client and the LED display manufacturer. During this phase, the client discusses their specific requirements, objectives, and vision for the custom LED display. This may include factors such as display size, shape, resolution, viewing distance, content requirements, and budget considerations. Concept Development: ...
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by on May 30, 2024
Glass curtain wall is a modern and fashionable architectural decoration, which adorns the city and makes the city more beautiful. The glass curtain wall LED display used with the glass curtain wall is even more sought after by the market. Its high transparency, invisible installation, green and energy-saving excellent performance make it stand out from many display products. So, how to make the glass curtain wall LED display achieve a better display effect? First, standardize the glass design. ...
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by on April 25, 2024
Unlike the commonly used electronic products that are viewed at close range, such as mobile phone screens, laptop screens, etc., LED displays are suitable for long-distance viewing. For the same LED screen product, the viewing distance will determine whether the display effect that the viewer sees is clear or not. The theoretical resolution of the human eye is 20 arc seconds, but due to the distribution of photoreceptor cells and their own defects, the actual resolution of visible light is 1 ...
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